Sunday, August 01, 2010


Murmurs Mumblings - My Thoughts

conversation with myself, rants, and more mumblings


i started blogging again, because i become wary of updating my facebook account.

I'm a known hermit in my circle of friends. Often time because i'm too shy/embarassed to share my thoughts, other times i'm just grumpy, then there are times i just want to lie low.

i used to love updating my fb: one liner status update (brilliant for someone like me who sucks at writting) them upload photos and drop some comments on your friends
Then suddenly i have too many "friends" , then the snooping, then the talks about securities... facebooking just snowballed into a huge tedious task.

This is not to say, FB ruined my social life or am gonna delete my account - but i just realized i cannot do 2hours a day to update my fb, so now i manage to curb it and perhaps the good side is am back to blogging.

Disclaimer: my idea of blogging can also mean updating my site with a one-liner

ah anyway, we'll see how things go:)

1 comment:

Coffee Fairy v1 said...

i hear ya, miswa. I am also backing off a little on FB. Hooray to blogging! :)