Friday, June 06, 2008

And the boss strikes again

Murmurs Mumblings - My Thoughts

conversation with myself, rants, and more mumblings

And the boss strikes again

a real email sent to my colleague

"Just to mention... easy on the invoice stamping especially while there are high profile visitors in the office."

Amusing noh?

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Survey can kill you

Murmurs Mumblings - My Thoughts

conversation with myself, rants, and more mumblings

Survey can kill you

me and my housie were walking back to our flat, when we got intercepted by a guy who is taking a survey. He seemed to be having a tough time to convince people to stop for awhile, we took pity on him so we stopped:

SurveyGuy: How often do you pass this street
Aoi and SwissRoll: Everyday
SurveyGuy: Is there any shop that you would like to see within this neighborhood
Aoi and SwissRoll:Tesco! (grocery)
SurveyGuy: So i guess it would be tesco for that building *points to the location of our fave bar*
Aoi and SwissRoll: Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!! you can't do that! that's our fave bar! (insert a lot of caterwauling and 'Don't' phrases here)

we managed to scare-off the guy :P

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Murmurs Mumblings - My Thoughts

conversation with myself, rants, and more mumblings

Culture Exchange

one of the perks of having a housemate of different nationality is that there's always a room for culture exchange. Just like this saturday, i let her listened to my OPM mp3s and she let me listened to the Swiss ones. She then asked me what is my favorite track so far.

Aoi:I like the third track. What is the title?
SwissRoll: Oh, it's "I wott sevs vom morge bis am obe"
Aoi: Uhmmm...what does it mean
SwissRoll: mean 'I wanna have sex with you in the morning, afternoon and evening'

Cool huh?! very enriching cultural exchange.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Lead the Way

Murmurs Mumblings - My Thoughts

conversation with myself, rants, and more mumblings

Lead the Way