Sunday, January 27, 2008

Optimism in the Time of Cholera

Murmurs Mumblings - MyThoughts

conversation with myself, rants, and more mumblings

Optimism in the Time of Cholera

Jan 13,2008 (sana)

Dear, dear D,

I'm sorry it took this long to send this to you. It's another case of time mismanagement, which started with oh-my-crap-i-haven't-packed-anything-yet snowballed to panicking and pushing personal deadlines on a latter date. Knowing you, you will just smile and say "No biggie!" Still, i feel bad so i just banged myself on the keyboard - Dobby style.

I wanna tell you something: You're an ampalaya oxymoron :P
While everyone is seeing death, doom and gore. You still see rainbows, sunshine and unicorns. Yeah, yeah from time to time you get angry, cuss and diss...But it's on a very very rare occasion. So whilst this chirpy-happy disposition, you snugged well with bunch of ampalayas (hahhahahah)....though i admit i'm very glad you made katok on our hearts and regret that i had to 'temporarily' set-off

Do you also know that you have a beautiful pancreas? I mean, your Inner beauty is also radiant? You’re probably one of the nicest people around. One of the goody goodie shoes law-abiding (no jaywalking), community volunteer, tree hugger and my mitten saviour!

You’re huggable, lovable and even pinchable . A life size winnie –the-pooh, complete with the personal patented angled-ready-when-you-are smile.

But what I really admire about you is your attitude on taking life. Though, I read before in your blog wishing that you were stronger, actually, you are strong and becoming stronger. You seize every day with optimism. It sounds so passé, but you already stride on life with one smile at a time.

I regret that I wasn’t able to call you on your birthday. I regret of not posting this earlier.
Pero huli man daw ang matsing, eh huli pa rin:
Happy, happy birthday dear dayOHbee…
Wishing you happiness, health and borubudur!

Tuloy ang Ligaya,
AoiSoba – Ang Pansit na NIlalamig

I’m starting to count the days before our holiday…missing all the chickas and wine session with eden cheese…until then tuloy tayo sa mail at chat ha! :D