Monday, August 23, 2010

Because, because, because

Murmurs Mumblings - My Thoughts

conversation with myself, rants, and more mumblings


Aug 12 is the 71st Anniversary of Wizard of Oz. While a lot of people would always connect the song 'Somewhere over the rainbow' with this show, while my personal fave is still the part they are singing 'We are off to see the wizard because,because, because!'

another thing is the muchkins do remind me of the oompa loompas from anotehr show...hmm though the oompa loompa songs did stuck in my brain for a while.

Back then i always thought that wizard of oz is about home, courage, heart and reason.NOw, my opinion is that the show is about how your brain can mess you up - with icing on top.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

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