Friday, November 30, 2007

Call In Questions

Murmurs Mumblings - My Thoughts

conversation with myself, rants, and more mumblings

Call In Questions

Call In question#1: So do you do anything so that you don’t get bored with your walks?

1. Pop an ipod in my ear
2. Conserve my energy, so I will not die of hypothermia while walking
3. Be on alert to watch out for ‘golden nuggets: doggie poops’ or ‘sick’mines
4. Strategic walking in such a way that my head will not look very attractive and in right place for crows who are in dire need of toilets
5. Play ‘statue’ while the dogs are barking their hearts away
6. Pray hard that someone will rescue me from my dilemma or that the dogs will suddenly realize that I am an innocent, harmless truly person I am
7. Pray harder that I meet a cutie :P

Call-in Question #2: Any lesson learned about the doggie incidents?

Aoisoba: *Clears throat* May I share the two options of my beloved friends told me (Waves to Chili D and A) if such incident occurred again.

Option 1: Engage the dog to bark at me again, but let the owner bite me :p
Option 2: Encourage the dog to chase me, resulting to the owner chasing the dog. The owner, naturally, would apologize about it, and I in return coo "let me buy you a beer" …. *faints*

Call-in Question #3: Any last words for your beloved neighbour?

Aoisoba: Tackle me *hearts*

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