Saturday, December 01, 2007


Murmurs Mumblings - My Thoughts

conversation with myself, rants, and more mumblings


Thanks to Kayan’s link , this made my day :) It’s been a while since I heard a fine line in a Filipino movie hahahahah!

Rough Translation:
I admit, we are all just bananas, but among all the tress in the Philippines only the Banana tree has a heart.

My reply would be:
At saging lang din ang ginagawang banana q sa pinas! :P

This line had tickled a lot of people funny bone, that someone spawned it with a remix video…. I give it 5 banana heart for hilarity !:

1 comment:

Echoserang Frog said...

oo saging lang kami, pero kahit san parte kayo ng pilipinas maghanap, saging lang ang may puso! bwahaaha ang ganda!